Saturday, 31 August 2013

Wonorejo Mangrove Forest, Surabaya

Indonesia has the largest total area of mangroves of any country in the world. I am so lucky that I have had the privilege to live in Surabaya which has forest mangrove.  

When someone comes to visit me, the first place I take them is the Wonorejo Mangrove Forest . The best place to spend time outdoors in my city.

Ah, don't let me write too much, here, enjoy the pictures..

The place will give you the possibility to discover the natural beauty and give you an unforgettable experience.

Mangrove Boat Trip

Get close to the amazing mangroves with a comfortable boat ride of 15 minutes. Enjoy the mangroves of Wonorejo with a taste of adventure. You might be lucky to watch the special birds during this ride, and see a lot of amazing plants.

 One more thing, don't, I meant never, never ever forget to take photos with this background! :)


  •  Akan jauh lebih menarik jika mengunjungi Hutan Mangrove Wonorejo di pagi hari
  • It would be way more interesting to visit Wonorejo Forest in the morning
  • Untuk informasi lebih lengkap kunjungi
  •  For further information
  • Harga menaiki perahu: Dewasa Rp. 25.000 , Anak-anak : Rp. 15.000
  • Price for Mangrove Boat Trip : Adult Rp. 25.000, Children : Rp. 15.000
  • Saya merekomendasikan untuk memakai kaos, celana pendek, sandal atau sepatu sandal, topi atau penutup kepala dan tas kecil 
  • I recommend to wear T-shirt, short pants, sandals or sneakers, hat or cap and to bring a small backpack and enough sunscreen